My very first entry in this blog was about a teacher and the opening of a small Waldorf based school in a converted horse barn north of Toronto. I filmed a day there in the fall and now Deborah is in Lahore, Pakistan. Due to logistics, insurance and funding I have had to postpone my leg of the trip. She is having an incredible experience in Lahore with Nazli who is not only opening her own Waldorf kindergarten in her home but now has been given the new position of overseeing the 3200 students that attend the schools her family has helped open up in the rural areas near Lahore under an NGO called AKRA. Deborah and Nazli also visited a remote Waldorf community for adults with special needs that survives month to month wondering where and when the money will come to keep its doors open. Please visit Deborah's blog, you will have to create a google account to respond but that is free. It is mythreecupsoftea She also has provided a link to the Green Earth Roshni School
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