A last minute decision - we booked a hotel in Niagara Falls. We surprised the kids when we picked them up from school and started heading out of the city. The traffic was terrible. When we arrived at our hotel the valet asked how the trip was? David lightly jested that people who live in Hamilton should work in Hamilton. To this the valet let David know that around here people wish they could put a big fence around Toronto and keep them in! Oops! We stayed in our room that night, watched a movie and got up early for sunrise and a swim. From the falls we went to the Butterfly museum and ate bugs... seriously. We ate crickets, caterpillars and red ant- excellent sources of protein and iron. The crickets were ground into chapatis and served with a root stew, the caterpillars were crushed into powder and put in another stew and the red ants were crushed into a peanut cookie. It was excellent, the kids were skeptical but tried everything. I often think of Bush food as something like chocolate covered crickets but of course- you grind them into powders!
A butterfly finally landed! Patiently waiting...
The Menu: Mopani stew, Futari with Cricket Chapati The gardens outside the Butterfly Con.
Mtedza Puffs with Ants