A handmade purse we bought at the market- Jill Butler fabric.
Gifts of our hands, spelt chocolate chip cookie mix I also bought at the market and they were delicious.
10 things I love about Goderich :
1. The walking bridge over the Maitland river- use to be for the salt mine freight trains but the town converted it.I have a great running route that takes me past all the stately homes and over that bridge. It is breathtaking.
2. Tiger Dunlop- in the museum they have a glass jar that is called
one of the Apostles. It was filled with whiskey as were the other
Apostles and taken with him everywhere he traveled. The one called
Judas was filled with water. His history and the history of the Attawandaron are always in the back of my mind as I explore this town.
3.Celtic Festival being held Aug 7. An amazing gsthering of Celtic artist and a great kids camp where they can learn to play the harp.
4. The markets on the square- actually a hexagon. Keeps the old part
of the town thriving especially when it has to compete with Walmart and
Boston PIzza.
5. Eating at the Park House while my kids sit on top of cannons or run around the park. Other food delights are the Beanery- my kind if food and I finally tried the infamous Culbert's Bakery and now understand why their donuts are famous. I hate donuts but my mouth is watering thinking about theirs.
6. The Musesum and jail. We can spend hours here, such an excellent display of life and the birth of a town. Even the jail represents a thrill for my kids mainly because of the old dummy slepping up in the top cell- scares the lights out of them everytime. Last time we let them have the phones to listen in but weren't expecting stories about the crazy woman who tried ot saw off her neck with a piece of wood!
7. Reuben Sallows . This photographer is a national treasure. Thank Godhe captured life before the plastic revolution took over. I look at the apple pickers with their wooden ladders, wooden bushels, the cotton clothing and think how little thier impact was on the environment compared to our oil dependent world now. My favourite is of the woman snowshoeing- she is my model feminist. Oh, I do like the old woman trimming her husbands beard.
8. The beach of Lake Huron. We spend hours collecting our own
special obsession. I collect rocks with fossils one day but on another
smooth round white rocks for painting and on another driftwood. It
usually stays on the beach in a pile. Of course sitting on the beach
one gets to view the sun sinking into the lake every evening.
9. Shopping: Irresistables- a little clothing boutique that carries
Sandwich, Mexx and Espirit and I seem to hit it everytime there is a
sale. I usually hit the shoe store with my kids as it is nice to get
service and their foots properly measured. If only they carried leather
Mary Janes instead of GEOX. And of course the market always has
10. The Berry farm and Bayfield. I love supoprting local farms, and
small business initiatives especially for locally grown and cooked
foods such as the Berry farm on Hwy 21 on the way to Bayfield. Bayfield
always makes me happy. I love to just browse the shops and the
occassional time have lunch at the Little Inn.